Do you ever have weekends where you feel like you didn't get any down time!?! That's how I felt this weekend. We also lost a day since my husband had a 24 duty starting at 9 am on Sunday. It's 9 pm here and I am just now sitting down to write this blog that I was supposed to do yesterday. And I really trimmed and cooked this artichoke on Friday night!!
Friday nights here are pizza night. We used to order out a lot more in Kansas because we could get pretty good deals and not have to pay more than $20 for enough pizza for at least 2 or 3 meals. But now that we are in Alaska, we are lucky if we can spend less than $40 for the same amount we got in Kansas. So I have started making it instead. I used to make it in Kansas too, but not EVERY week. It was so much easier to order!
But now that we make it again, I can get creative with my toppings. My family is boring. My husband only likes a combination of either cheese, mushrooms, bacon or pepperoni. My daughter only likes bacon and mushrooms. And my son usually takes all the toppings off and just eats it plain cheese. I like to change it up and will eat any topping except pineapple or anchovies.
Since I still had artichokes left to cook, I decided I wanted spinach, chicken, tomatoes, and artichokes on my pizza! So I steamed up the last 2 artichokes to get their yummy hearts. I used to never trim them, except to shorten the stem (it gets really stringy when cooked). But I would always get poked by the spiky leaves whenever I would eat them. So now I just take the time to slice the top and trim each leaf. Only adds a couple of minutes to prep and I don't get poked anymore!
Anyways, here is how I prep, cook, and eat an artichoke!

Now you are ready to steam the artichokes. I steam them in a large pot with a few inches of water in the bottom. Place them in the pot and bring to a boil. Once boiling reduce to a simmer, cover, and cook for about 20 minutes.
Stop taking eating the leaves when you get to the really thin ones. Well I still eat them, but you can really only bit the bottom half because the tops of those still have spikes. But you should really stop eating when you see these purple leaves. Just grab them with you fingers and rip them off until you see the choke pictured below.
You want to slide a knife under the choke and start slicing around the heart. Once you have gone all the way around, it should just slide right out.
Here is the best part of the artichoke!
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